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Strengthen Your Balance - 960125

Strengthen your body and your balance all in one class! The stronger your balance is the safer daily activities become. This low impact class is designed to increase muscular strength and develop confidence through difference balance activities. Along with balance activities, this class will focus on basic movements such as standing up from a chair and creating a stronger gait. This class is suitable for those beginning their exercise regimen or those who are already a fitness lover! Wherever your strength/balance is today, there is always room for improvements so don’t worry—come join the fun! Using weights is encouraged by not necessary.
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Cost Availability Column #10
Unavailable 960125-03 Strengthen Your Balance 05/01/2024 -06/05/2024 11:00 am -11:45 am W Senior Center $30.00 Unavailable